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Georgetown Athletic Association

Georgetown Athletic Association

Sponsorship Program

 Georgetown Baseball Sponsorship Program

The Georgetown Athletic Association and Georgetown Baseball serve hundreds of young athletes each year.  Through playing America’s game, these children from Pre-K through 12th grade learn not only baseball fundamentals, but also life lessons in teamwork, leadership and sportsmanship.  Parents contribute thousands of volunteer hours each year to provide a healthy and fun experience for our town’s children.

In addition to uniform needs, each year worn out equipment must be replaced and fields require care and maintenance beyond simple mowing to ensure they remain safe for playing. The cost of maintaining the baseball fields in town (beyond mowing) falls on Georgetown Baseball to fund through sponsorships and fundraising.  Over the years, we have invested a great deal of money to improve and maintain the fields at American Legion Park and Penn Brook Elementary School.  As an independent, non-profit organization we need the assistance of our local business community to continue serving our young people.  We ask for your support to provide healthy and fun activity for our children.

We are listed as a 501(C)(3) Public Charity under the name Georgetown Baseball Company so your contribution is tax deductible.

Our sponsorship opportunities are listed below so you can consider the available options.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Georgetown Baseball Sponsorship Director, Jason Nadeau, and he will provide you with more information.

As always thank you for supporting our community and Georgetown Athletics!

2024 Sponsor Options

What a great opportunity to advertise for your company and help out the Georgetown Baseball Program at the same time!!!!

We are a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization = your sponsorship is tax deductible. 

There are 3 ways your company can sign up for the Sponsorship Program:

  1. Team Sponsorship - $250 – Your company’s name will go on the back of the player’s uniforms for the team you sponsor.
  2. Company Sign – $300 - A 4’ x 8’ sign with your company logo will be installed on the outfield fence of the American Legion Baseball Field down at Pentucket Pond.
    1. Please note: if you do not have a current sign, there is a one-time $300 fee to fabricate your company sign. Please send company logo to email address below.
    2. Bonus – If you chose to sign up for the 5-year Company Sign Program, Georgetown Baseball will pay for the fabrication of your company sign = $300 Savings
  3. General Donation - $100 or $50 – Help support all the young baseball players learning the game of Baseball in one of the best communities around. There would not be a program in Georgetown without the generosity of the community.

To donate email [email protected]

The Georgetown Baseball Program thanks you for considering supporting the program!

Contact Information:

Jason Nadeau

Georgetown Baseball, Sponsorship Director

PO Box 67 Georgetown, MA 01833

Email:    [email protected] or [email protected]


Georgetown Athletic Association
 P.O. Box
Georgetown, Massachusetts 01833

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