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Georgetown Athletic Association

Player Evaluations

Spring evaluations for G4 and G6 Fall 2023 Travel Soccer (Grades 2, 3, 4, 5)

Date: Sunday June 11th, 2023
Location: East Main Street Soccer Fields
Independent Evaluators: Seacoast United 

What Time Should I Be There?

- G4 Boys current 2nd and 3rd graders check in 9:30a - evaluations: 10am-11:30am

- G6 Boys current 4th and 5th graders check in 11a - evaluations: 11:30am-1pm

- G4 girls current 2nd and 3rd graders check in 12:30pm - evaluations: 1pm-2:30pm

- G6 girls current 4th and 5th graders check in 2:00pm evaluations: 2:30pm-4:00pm

Who Should Attend? Please Read Carefully!

o ensure that players are evaluated with other players who they will be playing with, we define the age groups as follows:

• Fall G4 = current 2nd year In-town G2 players who will start playing G4 in the Fall AND current 1st year G4 players who have 1 more year left in G4
• Fall G6 = current 2nd year G4 players who start playing G6 in the Fall AND current 1st year G6 players who have 1 more year left in G6

• Fall G8 = We use coach evaluation only. There are no in-person evaluations for the G8 group.
• Fall G10 = There are no evaluations for the G10 group. 

More: grade placement chart can be found here.

What happens at Evals?

Evals is a super fun day of soccer with your peers. The players show off their dribbling, passing and 1-v-1 skills through multiple small sided games where their soccer acumen can be observed. For this year we are considering a second scrimmage of larger teams on a larger field so we can start to see field awareness. 

Do I Need To Register For Evals?

No, however if a player is currently NOT playing in the current season, but wants to participate in the evaluations, that player must register for the fall season prior to evaluations or sign a liability waiver available at check-in. This is an insurance requirement, and therefore non-negotiable. If your child is registered and playing in the current season no further action is required.  

You do need to register if you want to be placed on a fall team. We will only roster players successfully registered in our system. To register for fall soccer, click here.

What Are Evals Used For?

Each year, after the spring season comes to an end and registration for the fall season has closed, the Georgetown Youth Soccer Association (GYSA) Board and invited coaches meet to form our fall teams. Essex County organizes leagues by ability to ensure all players have a fun and competitive season.   

As defined by ECYSA, the breakdown of teams are: 
• G4 - One "Premier" Team (highest rated skilled players) and multiple skill balanced Regional Teams
• G6 + G8 - One "A" Team (highest rated skilled players) and multiple skill balanced Regional Teams

Forming teams inevitably leads to questions from parents and players. No matter which process is used, (and believe us, we’ve tried many!) it remains an inexact science. GYSA strives to be as objective and transparent as possible. Each year we use as much outside help as possible to ensure players are evaluated by independent individuals with no alterior motives. We use the data that comes out of evaluations to help us properly form balanced and competitive teams. This information is not the sole factor in team placement. A coach's evaluation of each player, along with anecdotal information gathered through conversations also play a critical role in a child's placement.

Evaluations are not mandatory. If a player wants to try for a place on a Premier or A team, he/she should make every effort to attend. Although evals are not manditory, it is a vital part of the team formation process and helps GYSA submit competitive teams in Essex County. The information gathered these nights are invaluable so we ask that all players attend their assigned nights. We will review player conflicts on a case-by-case basis and make alternate plans for that player if appropriate.


Georgetown Athletic Association
 P.O. Box
Georgetown, Massachusetts 01833

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